Kronospan Design Centers

The world of interior design

The world of the interior design gathered at Kronospan Design Center

Kronospan celebrates the opening of its newest design center in Sofia with a stylish cocktail party. Serbian, Greek and Romanian partners of the company shared the hosts’ emotion of creating this wonderful space.

Distributors, industrial clients, designers, influencers and professionals from the furnishing business were welcomed to enjoy the cozy ambiance of the showroom, where different functional areas and creative hubs showcase the breadth of Kronospan’s products.

The event highlights were related to the company’s growth in Bulgaria, the huge investments, its new products and collections, as well as the innovative showroom concept.

One of the most discussed topics was the business model of the circular economy, which is the top priority of the company’s development strategy. The extended lifecycle and carbon storing capabilities of our products have made Kronospan highly respected within this field.

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