Functionality or personal style, which of the two defines your kitchen area? If you can claim both, you are among the lucky ones. A blend of the two will most definitely enhance the value of your property and the manner in which you manage to enjoy it. It is desirable for the kitchen, the heart of most homes, to be an inviting, alluring and aesthetically pleasing space. A kitchen renovation might be in order if the above mentioned do not ring a bell with your current situation.
So, what is the key to a successful kitchen renovation, you might ask. A meticulous planning approach, complemented by strategic decision-making and decisive measures might be the answer for you. From the right apprehension of how your daily routine flows to a clear, realistic budget, right appliances and personal style and taste, each step of your renovation journey will define the outcome of your future kitchen. Therefore, we invite you to dive right into the tiring but appealing world of kitchen makeovers, where certain tips and tricks acknowledged at the right time will save you from a potential mental breakdown.
1. Understanding your daily routine is crucial
We pride ourselves to be different and we promote diversity. So why do we strive to copy ideas without understanding the concept behind them and if they can be applied to our life? Everyone has his own daily routine, aspect that should be taken into account when designing your kitchen as well. Maybe your life revolves around your home or on the opposite scale, you see your dwelling as a simple accommodation where the kitchen space functions as a coffee corner and nothing more. Take a closer look into your daily routine and understand what works for you and your family and design accordingly. Your kitchen should reflect you.
2. Consider the working triangle & ergonomics
The working triangle is a concept referring to the efficient organization of the three main working areas in your kitchen: the storing zone, the washing and prepping one and the cooking area. These should be positioned in order to form an imaginary triangle meant to facilitate the workflow in a comfortable manner. You should also take into account the importance of keeping certain distances between your sink and appliances like the stove, oven or fridge. Your kitchen worktop must be designed according to your height in order to prevent back injuries, therefore a height that varies in the 85-95 cm interval is considered optimal.
3. Be realistic and have a grasp on your existing layout
Let’s face it, we all dream of a large kitchen where the statement kitchen island dominates the layout. The reality is, more than often, far from the above idea and we usually struggle with small spaces, poor natural lighting and difficult overall layouts. Taking your available space into account is key when considering renovating your kitchen. We must be flexible and adapt to our needs and reality in order to maximize space and obtain an ergonomic, efficient space and a seamless workflow. We might be tempted to put down that wall that separates the kitchen from the living room area, but we must restrain ourselves and take a step back and really ask ourselves if this is truly the best option for our lifestyle.
4. Establish the budget for you
No renovation should start without a clear budget in mind. Knowing your limits will ease out the design and implementation process, knowing where you can compromise and establishing which aspects are really important for you and where you can make some concessions. It is indeed difficult to stick to a budget but having some limits might help you a lot along the way.
5. Choose a design that appeals to your taste
Design and style might be a matter of taste,but choosing an overall kitchen style from the many that have been present in our lives throughout history might help you in the makeover endeavor. A Scandinavian style might appeal to our or maybe your attitude is drawn towards an industrial approach. Whatever the case is, take some time to fully understand what lies behind these design styles and see where your taste resides. It is important to mix functionality and taste, a kitchen makeover is not a task you will undertake often and should definitely reflect your personality.
6. Invest in quality durable materials
The wear and tear of our daily lives is visible in the kitchen most of all as it is the go-to space in the home. We tend to spend quite a lot of time here and if cooking is on your passion list, then you understand the importance of durable, quality materials. The worktops, the furniture fronts, the hardware are essential aspects to be taken into consideration, especially if you like to cook a lot. Opt for reliable hardware and take efficiency into account rather than looks when it comes to your countertop. An easy to clean durable material will pay itself in time- so allow yourself to go beyond your initial budget if the situation demands it, as long as you invest in a sturdy kitchen.
7. Maximize storage space
Do not neglect storage, we usually tend to do so and regret later on. Make an assessment of all your kitchen accessories and appliances and consider various options for storing them. It is quite difficult to find a place for everything afterwards and we end up overcrowding our spaces. A built in pantry is a good idea if your space allows you to integrate one.
8. Opt for reliable appliances
If you are among the ones which really understand the importance of a reliable piece of appliance, you should know by now that energy consumption should be taken into consideration. Energy-efficient models can be approached as a worthwhile investment for the environment as well as your wallet. Whilst a traditional stove will do the trick when it comes to the cooking process, new contemporary appliances with certain special features will transform the process into an experience and simplify your tasks as well. Nowadays you can incorporate your downdraft kitchen vent into a compact, slim worktop for a sleek, minimal design.
9. Consider your lighting options
We tend to neglect the lighting aspect of a kitchen makeover, although it is a key element which can affect the overall aesthetics, comfort and safety in the cooking process. Each area of your kitchen space has a certain functionality, therefore specific lighting fixtures are in order. The workspace requires under cabinet lighting whereas the dining area can be adorned with pendant lights and a decorative touch for setting the right ambiance. Dimmer switches will adjust your lighting scheme according to the time of day and desired atmosphere. If your kitchen cabinets play on texture rather than hue, oriented lighting will emphasize a certain embossed décor.
10. Add accents and personalize your space
Last but not least, do not forget about accessories. We can talk about a suspended herb garden, a coffee corner for your lazy mornings or a simple roll of paper for your grocery lists. A vase with fresh cut flowers or a cheerful framing of a preferred recipe are details that can brighten your day and personalize your kitchen space. Even smaller details like the style of faucets or the color of your appliances will add character.
A kitchen renovation is a daunting, tiresome but exciting endeavor, one that if planned properly and executed accordingly will add value to your home whilst exuding your style, responding to your needs and desires. A successful renovation will require attention to details, a concise budgeting phase, a proper selection of appliances, materials and design elements. Start renovating your kitchen now, the outcome is up to you.
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